Blog | ExAller®

Sleeping issue or allergy?

Written by Benjamin Tillier | August 08 2019

Allergy symptoms and sleep disorders are linked

About 3/4 of people with allergies suffer from sleep disorders. It makes sense, as continuous nose blowing, sneezing, breathing difficulties and allergy attacks aren’t exactly the ingredients of a good night’s rest.

People who are sensitive to dust mites may find it hard to escape from their symptoms at night, as the offending allergens are present in the very pillows and mattresses on which they sleep. Even when allergy symptoms like rhinitis (runny nose), sneezing, sinus pain and itchy throat are not severe, they can still cause sleep interruptions that ultimately interfere with daily activities.

Despite their prevalence, sleep disorders are often underreported in people with allergies, including dust mite allergy.

The effects of fatigue are no joke

We’ve all been tired the day after a rough night. The effects are familiar: trouble concentrating at work, daytime sleepiness, lower productivity. Children with disrupted sleep patterns may be irritable, perform lower in school and have a decreased ability to learn and retain information.

But when allergic rhinitis and other symptoms caused by dust mite allergy continue over time, these effects are compounded, potentially leading to chronic insomnia, social impacts and even mood disorders. In short, chronic fatigue caused by allergy reduces overall quality of life, health and well-being.

Seek professional help

If you, your child or a family member is experiencing sleep problems and you suspect that a house dust mite allergy may be to blame, contact your family doctor, allergist or pharmacist for more insights. You can also take the dust mite allergy self evaluation to learn more about your symptoms. 

Removing dust mites from your bed where you sleep for an average of 8 hours a night will relieve allergic symptoms. Eliminate dust mites from your home and make your living spaces uncomfortable places for dust mites to live is a first essential step toward treat your allergy.

Would you like to discover if you are sensitive to dust mites in the comfort of your home? Learn more about the ExAller® self test.