What are dust mites ?
Related to spiders and ticks, dust mites are 0.2 to 0.3 mm long and live in warm, dark humid environments, including bedding, mattresses, carpets, couches, stuffed animals, pillows and more. Mattresses are ideal homes for them, as dead human skin cells provide them with a renewing food source, and human sweat keeps the humidity at their preferred level. As our homes become better isolated less ventilated, the faster dust mites reproduce. One mattress can contain up to 2 million dust mites.
During the day, they gather together in the core of the mattress for protection and to avoid dehydration. At night, dust mites migrate to the surface of the mattress to feed, leaving their shells and faeces behind when they return to the inner layers at sunrise. A single dust mite produces 20 droppings per day.